My meowy just tol me the gud newz....she is gonna go meet Scarlett on fryday! The Simeze Reskue ladee calld her to tawk abowt
Scarlett an me an Eclair an the lady sed it sownded like we wud gif Scarlett a gud home. I tried to tell my meowmy to let me tawk to the ladee so i cud tell her how happee i am heer an whut gud cair my meowmy took of Eclair befoor she wint away. But the ladee seemd to like my meowmy so it looks like i will haf a noo sistur on fryday night. I hope she likes me, i hope i'm not too skard of her. I dunt wants ta do ennything meen by aksident. I will even shair my toyz. I saw Eclair in the shadoes an she sed Scarlett looks like she will be a nice sistur for me. I tol Eclair that no uther cat wud ever replayce her.
heer is a pitchur of my noo sistur.

izunt she kyoot?!!!
Meowmy goofed on whut Scarlett is tho...she is a redd colur poynt shorthair Simeze mix.
Hi, Tiramisu... I hope you & Scarlett get along wonderfully. May you both have an excellent Christmas.
Purrs... Ghost
Oh I hope that you and she get along and are lovely buddies!
What wonderful news! We can't wait to meet her and hear all about her coming to live with you.
Rascal and Riley were two kittens that the people found abandoned in a box in a parking lot when they were only a few hours old. Our people bottle fed them and now they're almost 4 months old. Rascal is the stripy gray boy and Riley is the little black girl.
oh Tira, concatulations! you and Scarlett may be hissy for a while, but that's natural and we is shur that you will get along just great in the end.
Isn't it great to keep seeing Eclair in the shadows? We see Gramma Trixie and Grampa Norton there too, and it makes us feel good.
Scarlett is like me! Concatulations on getting a new sister!
Welcome back to blogging Tira. We have missed you. We just got our blog a week ago, but we have been reading your's and Eclair's blog since the beginning. We hope everything works out and that you get to bring Scarlett home.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Tira, this is such great news. Scarlett looks like a little love bug! I can't wait to hear about her homecoming.
We hope you had a good Chris Mouse Tira. Is your new sister wiv yoo yet?
Is Scarlett home with you now?
Hi Tira and Scarlett,
We hope you have a Happy New Year!
We miss seeing you blog.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
how'd it go with your new sister? we're lookin' forward ta hearin' all 'bout it. are ya gonna change her name to a yummy dessert too?
Hi Tira, did Scarlett get home OK?
Thanks for the wonderful news that you shared with us. We hope you and Scarlett get along well and become best kitty friends. We love the photo of you showing off the cute face of yours. Thanks for the share. Have a great one.
World of Animals
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