Ok, I'm trying to settul intoo my noo home. My noo mom seems reely nice, I'm not afrayd of her today like I wuz win we met yesturday. She brawt me to a hyoog noo home whair I dont haf to liv in a cayj ennymor. But wif this noo home caym unuthur cat. She's biggur 'n me and blak as the nite. She sez her naym is Eclair and whyel shees bin vary polite to me I'm kina eskeered of her. But evrything is so noo an strangj heer so I'm just tryin to chill owt an lay low. I did venchur owt of my rume breeflee this affernoon but I gots all nurvus win Eclair caym too cloze so I ran bak to my rume. Itz prittee nice to haf this big rume all to mysef, lotz biggur than my rume at the sheltur.
An then my noo mom deesidid that maybee the naym they calld me at the sheltur wasint my "reel" naym....so she thot and thot and finullee sed to me "How do yoo like the naym Tiramisu?"
I konsidured it for a momint, the she sed "Tira kitty" and I lookd up rite away. So now my noo naym is Tiramisu. My noo mom sez it keeps wif the theem of sweetniss and deesurts. I noe I kin be sweet and hopefullee I will git less nurvus arownd my noo sistur Eclair.