Monday, January 29, 2007

My mom finullee got a sort of gud pichur of me showing my prittee bloo eyes. She also caym hohm wif sum goodees for us...a krinklee play tunnul, a nice skratchin post, sum krinklee balz, an a noo catnip mowse so we bof haf wun now. She luvs us so much. We had a lot of fun rollin in the nip she sprinkuled in the tunnul and on the skratchin post.
I'm so glad she adoptid me!!


Anonymous said...

oh yes - that's an excellent picture! it's so hard for you kitties with the pretty blue eyes to get them to show up well in your pictures. have fun with your new toys!

Danita said...

Oooooh, Tiramisu, yous a furrry beeyooteeful kitty! :)

Lux said...

Stunning picture, Tiramisu, of a stunning lady!

Tiramisu said...

Why thankew Lux, I think yoor kwite hansum too!

Grr, Midnight and Cocoa, and Danita thankew too! Weer all beeyooteeful catz!

Mr. Hendrix said...

How pretty! No "laser eyes" either. I'm glad your mommy adopted you too!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Yoo reely do kinda have the same coloring as me --- but yer pritty!