Sunday, February 11, 2007

At leest I dint miss Valentines day!

Heer iz my valentime for Ezra, my speshul frend. I hopes he likes it.<3


Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, I am so so so so happy that yoo and Ezra hookt up! I think yoo make a vary kyoot cuppul! Yoo reely shood post it on the VD Kontest blog!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Yur not the only one who is missing fings. We need to go to the content blog too. We were too preoccupied wif the party and now wif the donation list.
Fanks fur stopping by an puttin in yur names. It's nice to see ofur cats from Connecticat! We's in Wallingford.

Spirit and Ezra said...

Ezra sez... That is the mostest beeyoutiful Valentine efurr!!! I luvs it so much. You're my special furriend to Tira!

Anonymous said...

that's so purrty! you did a furry nice job on that.