Thursday, February 8, 2007

So whut am I Sindurella?

I noe I havint bin as dedikatid to makin blog posts as my sistur Eclair but now I find owt she's gots a Valentine and I dint evfun noe abowt Skeezix's kontest!! Yood think I had bin lokked in my rume or sumfin. An now the dedline to entur is neerly heer an evrywun has hookd up wif thair valentine sweetee, but I dint evfun get into the race!
I tell ya, ya git preeahkewpied wif nip mowsies and uthur toyz an nobodee tellz ya whuts goin on.
I wondur ifs I gots a faree catmuther to help me get a valentine befoor itz too layt?


Skeezix the Cat said...

Tira, I think Ezra wood be purrfikt for yoo! Yoo shood make him a byootiful valentine!

Anonymous said...

we won't be able to get Valentines made in time for the contest (our Lady's fault), even though we have Valentines to go to the party with. if you meet someone special, you can still post a nice Valentine on your blog. that's what we're hoping to do. after all, Valentine's day isn't till next Wednesday. (and Ezra would be a great choice)

Eclair said...

Hey Tira, I cheked Ezra out, he's pritee kyoot an sownds like yer tipe. If yoo need help wif makin a valentime, I kin do that if yoo promiss not to put the bitey on me win we rassel.

Spirit and Ezra said...

Ezra sez... Tira I would love to be Valentine's wiff you. I hope I get to come to the party tonite, but if I don't I 'll still be your Valentine. Maybe my sisfurr and Momma can help me make you a purrty Valnetine if you want. My sisfurr maded a really purrty Valentine for hur sweetie Brach

Spirit and Ezra said...

Spirit sez... Tira - i'm apposed to tell you that my brofurr maded you a Valentine and you should go see it.